Dr. Peiyao Yan

Research Fellow

National University of Singapore

Peiyao Yan is a Research Fellow at the National University of Singapore, specializing in polymer materials science and engineering. She holds a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Liverpool, where her research focused on the mechanical properties of high-sulfur polymers synthesized via inverse vulcanization. Her research interests encompass the design of polymer structures for performance optimization, functional and recyclable polymers, and their applications in diverse fields. Specifically, she investigates the mechanical properties of polymers, vitrimers, stimulus-responsive polymers, polymer electrolytes, and materials for water remediation. Peiyao has made significant contributions to the field through publications in leading journals, including Nature Chemistry, Nature Synthesis, Nature Communications, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, and Chemistry of Materials. Currently, her work focuses on polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries, with the goal of advancing energy storage technologies. Looking ahead, Peiyao seeks to expand the application of well-designed polymer materials in areas such as energy, biomedical applications, and wearable devices.