Dr Rachel Zhang

Research Associate (DECRA Fellow), School of Information Technology& Engineering

The University of New South Wales

Rui Zhang received the B.E. degree from The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, in 2009, and the Ph.D. degree from The University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, in 2014, both in electrical engineering.She is a recipient of 2022 Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (ARC DECRA), currently work with the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW. Her research interests include power system operation, control, and stability, data analytics and machine learning applications in power engineering.

Temporal-Spatial Data Analytics for Stochastic Power System Stability

The modern power system is evolving towards a renewable-energy dominated, digitalized "data-intensive" system, where enormous data are measured in multiple timescales, different locations, and in diverse structures. This project will develop a novel data-driven framework for power system stability analysis. This project will deliver new knowledge about instability phenomena and mechanism of power systems with high-level renewable energies, faster-than-real-time system instability risk detection, and rule-based stability control. These research outcomes will form the basis of an innovative theoretical foundation to guide new technologies for power utilities for stability assessment and enhancement in the digitalized era